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English irregular verbs > Divid verbs to logical groups > Verbs with devoicing of the ending and no other irregularity

Verbs with devoicing of the ending and no other irregularity

Many verbs derive from Germanic strong verbs, which make many of their inflected forms through vowel gradation, as can be observed in Modern English patterns.

Most of these have regular -ed forms as alternatives.

  • Smelt or Smelled – what is correct and how to use it
  • Spelled or Spelt – what is correct and how to use it
  • Spilt or Spilled – what is correct and how to use it
  • Learnt or Learned – what is correct and how to use it

      VerbPastPast Participle

      To find the correct form, you can use an online database of the irregular verbs.

      For example: irregular verb LEARN